Wednesday, December 1, 2010

November Christmas

Hallmark Hall of Fame Movie, November 28, 2010

This was one of the best Christmas movies that I have seen in a long time.   Usually the story line involved someone with cancer dying - but in this story it had a happy ending.  The little girl (Vanessa)  in the picture has cancer and her father & mother (Tom & Beth Marks) is scared that she isn't going to make it until Christmas - so they try to push up all the holidays.   His neighbor Jess Sanford (Sam Elliott) who is a folksy farmer & wife Claire realizes what he is doing and helps him - he runs a farm that sells vegetables, etc.   And he also lost a child so he relates to the feelings the Father is going through.   So he finds pumpkins in August and brings a load to them and then they decorate for Halloween.   The doorbell rings and the "trick or treaters" say they didn't come for candy they came for the party - of course put together by Sam and his wife.    Then they pull together the whole town and go ahead  and decorate for Christmas.    But the treatment does work.   The beginning of the movie shows the grown up daughter reading the book November Christmas to a group at the library.    

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